Saturday, December 31, 2005

USA - National Radio Observatory

Searching the Universe with Radio Telescopes

Above the town of Socorro, New Mexico State, USA. Driving west of Socorro, the road travels up from the valley of the Rio Grande river, traverses a sloping plain and winds upward through canyons of igneous rock from ancient volcanos and through forests of pinon pine and mountain cedar. Antelope, deer, and cattle outnumber the people in this lonely land. Coyotes and foxes are seen regularly, as are eagles and hawks cruising on the mountain breezes. Coming to a high plateau at 2100 m elevation (7000 feet), the forest suddenly opens out to a wide lonely prairie. In the middle of this prairie is a group of huge, white satellite dishes - casual travelers are stunned by this strange mixture of lonely mountain landscape with the modern technology for outer space exploration. This was the location of our travels this last week.

This surprising sight is one the world's premier Radio Astronomy Observatories, the Very Large Array, located on a high mountain plateau near Socorro City, New Mexico State, USA. This fascinating observatory searches the universe, planets, stars, and galaxies using radio waves rather than visible light.

This observatory uses 27 different radio receiver dishes, each one 25 meters in diameter. It can spread the different dishes in a Y-shaped configuration to give the resolution of an antenna 36km (22 miles) across, with the sensitivity of a dish 130 meters (426.5 feet) in diameter.

This astronomy observatory is in a beautiful mountain location, far from city lights and the electronic chatter of cell phones, radios, and other electronic interference. It works 24/7 - 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The visitor's center is very informative on the technology used in the radio telescopes and the beautiful images from different galaxies.

Monday, December 26, 2005

English Language Lesson: Conspiracy Theory

This is one of a series of English language lessons for my friends around the world. I'm not a teacher. I just like to tell good stories.

The English Lesson for today is the phrase “Conspiracy Theory.”

Conspiracy Theory is a theory or plan about the “actual” reason why some event occurred – usually it was caused by an evil plan launched by a powerful government, company, or organization. For instance, one popular conspiracy theory is that the American President George Bush invaded Iraq because the Israel government ordered him to do so. Is that true? Who knows?

I love conspiracy theories because they don’t need any basis in truth. Wilder and crazier is better. People who believe in conspiracy theories search for their own version of truth. Many times, lack of facts only provides more support for their beliefs.

Here are some current conspiracy theories:

Conspiracy Theory 1: The 2008 Beijing Olympics Mascot Conspiracy

The Olympic Mascots were secretly introduced to Beijing as a plot by the American government to corrupt China from within. Most Beijing people dislike the mascots, but they don’t know the real truth – these are American spies working on a secret mission.

The Beijing government has been trying to capture the mascots and question them. Unfortunately, they seem to have disappeared into the foreign people community. When asked about this, an unidentified government official replied:
MASCOT’s ability to blend into foreign communities is uncanny. How are we
meant to tell who they are? All foreigners look alike when they are trying to
destroy the Chinese way of life. Even the bright green ones.

Read more about the Beijing Mascot Conspiracy Theory at the Angry Chinese Blogger at You will laugh all the way through this great story.

Conspiracy Theory 2: America invaded Iraq to gain control over the world’s oil

Most people around the world believe this conspiracy theory: America invaded Iraq to gain control over a large portion of the world’s oil supply. The George Bush administration continues to deny it. However, their reason for going to war changes every few months. While researching this English lesson, I called a high ranking government official to confirm or deny their current reason for going to war.

There is absolutely no truth to the ridiculous notion that America went to war
to gain control of oil and make President Bush’s friends rich. After several
years of intensive searching through the complete country, now we can say with
100% certainty that there was not a single McDonald’s restaurant or Starbucks
coffee shop in Iraq. Saddam Hussein was mistreating his people badly. Now after
the democratic elections, Iraq’s people will have the freedom to eat cheap
American food and expensive American coffee of their choice.
--- Anonymous
American government official.

Conspiracy Theory 3: Japanese caused the failure of Korea’s DNA Stem Cell Research

Recently the famous Korean DNA scientist Hwang Woo-suk has been embroiled in terrible controversy and was forced to withdraw his famous research document from the magazine Science. For years, Dr. Hwang was very successful to clone a dog and also created a clone of a human embryo. However, it looks like his latest results were forged or fabricated. The Korean science community and government are in an uproar.

The real people who caused Dr. Hwang’s disgrace? Japanese scientists. Many years ago, secret Japanese government scientists worked with UFO Aliens from outer space to perfect DNA cloning. They feared that Dr. Hwang might be close to learning the true secret about Japanese DNA research: Prime Minister Koizumi is actually an artificial SUPER HUMAN, a cloned combination of DNA from Elvis Presley and a UFO Space Alien from another planet.
To prevent discovery of Koizumi’s secret, the Japanese organization contaminated the Korean DNA research results and planted the rumors that caused the disgrace.

Are there any facts to support these conspiracy theories? Of course not. Governments are far too intelligent and powerful to allow any facts to surface. Lack of facts, good speculation, plausible story -- that’s what makes a really good conspiracy theory.

Your English lesson is to think of current events and write a conspiracy theory. Don’t worry about facts, just do like me: take a few small facts and dream up a big exaggeration!

If you are unsure whether or not you are a prostitute...

I found this hilarious picture for a Shanghai restaurant on the the Beijing Night Owl blog :

When I go to this restaurant, definitely I will ask about my qualifications. Maybe I'm missing a lucrative career as a "boy toy." Perhaps if I comb my hair differently....

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Heroes from History: Qiu Jin 秋瑾

History: 100 years ago in Shanghai

Qiu Jin秋瑾
The Lady Revolution Leader and Fighter for Women's Rights

Lived 1875 to 1907

Today's Chinese KungFu movies have women actors who play strong, courageous women who fight well. Qiu Jin wasn't an actor - she was the real thing. She was a military leader in the fight against the Qing monarchy and also a fierce fighter for women's rights.

Qiu Jin was one of the great Chinese pioneers in the fight against the corrupt Qing monarchy during 1900 to 1911. Like many of China's elite families of the time, she was educated in Japan. While in Japan, she joined Sun Yatsen's Revolutionary Alliance to fight the Qing government. Even though a woman, she was determined to be a leader in the Revolutionary Army and to lead the way for women's rights. As the photograph shows, she was a strong woman who rarely went anywhere without her dagger.

At that time in China, women were treated at a much lower level than men. Women's feet were bound so their feet would grow to only about 3 inches (75 cm) long, making it impossible for them to walk without severe pain. Before marriage, girls had little or no say in who they married. After marriage, most women had very little ability to control their destiny or happiness.

bound feet:

Qiu Jin worked to change this sad situation. She abandoned her husband who, in her words, treated her as worse than a slave. She was determined to lead the fight in achieving equal rights for women.

In 1905 & 1906 in Shanghai, Qiu Jin founded and wrote for The Chinese Women's Journal and also taught at a local girls' school. Later she became the leader of the Datong school in Shanghai. This wasn't enough excitement for her. She became one of the top military leaders in the Revolution. She rode a horse astride, wore men's clothing, and encouraged her girl students to train in military drills. She coordinated many of the secret rebellion army activities against the government. Even when her capture was imminent, she refused to escape to a safer location.

In 1907 she was caught by the government army. At the tender age of 32, she became the first woman in China who was tortured and executed by beheading. She was considered a martyr at the time. Today, 100 years later, she is a Chinese National Hero. This brave woman now has a monument at her grave in Hangzhou at GuShan, in English - Solitary Hill.

Her grave monument at GuShan near Hangzhou is also where the great leader Sun Yatsen is buried with his own monument. Hangzhou is about 2 hours away from Shanghai. I can't wait to go to GuShan. It's on my list for 2006.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Lights Around The World

I would like to share some of the Christmas Experiences I’ve had in my travels around the world. I've enjoyed Christmas many places - in the USA in Wyoming, Utah, California, Indiana, and New Mexico; also around the world in London, Tokyo, Beijing, and Changwon & Pusan. Here is a small sample of many delightful places.

Tokyo, Japan – Christmas is a big holiday in Japan, even though very few people are Christians. Japanese people have a playful and joyful character. They are always happy for a reason to celebrate. Tokyo lights up the City center area with the spectacular Millenario Lights . I have been fortunate to enjoy this light show in Tokyo 2 or 3 times. You can find it easily by taking the train or subway to Tokyo station and walk out the Maronouchi exits. You can’t miss it. The lights are brilliant and the streets are full of happy, friendly Japanese people - with a few foreigners like me sprinkled in.

And, of course, what is Christmas without Disneyland?

New Mexico State, USA - Naturally America celebrates Christmas all throughout the country. New Mexico state offers a delightful mingling of Mexican and USA cultures. Light arrangements called “Luminaria” are used to provide brilliant Christmas displays. To make Luminaria, candles are lit inside brown paper bags.

The Luminaria lights are placed on the roads, on churches, and on other buildings. Mom lives in New Mexico to celebrate these great displays – unique to the Southwest part of the USA and to Mexico.

Beijing, China - Beijing people are very friendly and generous, especially when celebrating a holiday like Christmas. Beijing is lit up with Christmas lights and decorations. People dress in their best clothes and go to fancy office parties for Christmas and New Years. My favorite memory is watching young Chinese children sing concerts of Christmas songs. The children are SO CUTE in their costumes. Christmas and New Years is a good party time for Beijing people to get together. Beijing people love Christmas decorations so much that even in July or August you can see Christmas trees and Christmas lights still up in many offices and stores. Christmas in Beijing has a special significance for me. 5 years ago I met a special young lady named Rumba ZhaoYi and her family. The Zhao family adopted me into their lives and changed my life forever. Now I am part of an extended family with the Father, Mother, Grandmother and Grandfather, Rumba and her husband Sun Genyun, brother, sister, and me. Naturally, they also adopted my wife Wonderful Jane as "honored elder sister." Shaun and Rumba - we call it the Shumba Family. Good friends - the best Christmas gift ever.
Beijing - the place with friendly people who invite you into their family. Beijing will always be one of my favorite places.

Orange County, California - My home now. Christmas is celebrated in many ways in Orange County, California, close to Los Angeles. A unique feature here is the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade. People decorate their boats for Christmas with millions of brilliant lights. Each night, more than 250 boats cruise the harbor, all of them lit up brilliantly. Other people sit on shore or in restaurants and cheer for all the different holiday boats. It’s a GREAT party. Hey everyone, come visit Wonderful Jane and me for Christmas. We’ll be happy to take you to the Christmas Boat Parade!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Flat Earth Society Proclaims South Pole is the Center of the Earth

The following story was inspired by my very cool, adventurous brother Alan. He spent more than 7 years in Antarctica. He assures me that Antarctica is a place where fact is usually stranger than fiction. The Flat Earth Society is a real-life organization whose existence confirms truth often is stranger than fiction. As for me, I love to take small truths and stretch them out to great exaggerations.

The following story was just received from the South Pole:

Flat Earth Society Proclaims South Pole is the Center of the Earth!
Toilet Bowl Water Rotation Remains a Mystery

SOUTH POLE STATION - South Pole technician Fungus LaRue reports that recently he met an Antarctic exploration team from the Flat Earth Society, a fundamentalist Christian group that insists the earth is flat and scientists don’t know how to park a bicycle.

The Flat Earth Antarctic Expedition arrived at the South Pole in a caravan of four snow-cats. Immediately a crowd of South Pole station people surrounded the caravan. They had one universal question, “Do you have any alcohol with you?” The leader of the group introduced himself as the Reverend Bobby Lee. Reverend Lee replied, “No friends, drinking alcohol is against our religion. One of our snow-cats is full of Bibles and religious books to help bring religion to Antarctic residents like you.” Upon hearing this, the South Pole Station crew disappeared, in Fungus’ words, faster than a small fart in a big blizzard.

Despite the threat of religious salvation, Fungus stuck around and asked, “So, Reverend, what brings you and your crew down to the South Pole?” The Reverend replied, “We are the Antarctic Expedition from the Flat Earth Society. We will prove that the Earth is flat and are searching for the edge of the earth. I should advise you that there is no such thing as the ‘South Pole.’ You’ve been deceived by the carnival show being staged by the scientific community and the One World Government conspiracy. By the way, although we do not have any alcoholic beverages we do have one special lady along with us. Mr. Fungus, I would like you to meet Sister Christie Jones, Miss Flat Earth 2005.”

Fungus looked at her in appreciation, “It is a tremendous pleasure to meet you Miss Flat. There are very few women down here in Antarctica and we all wear many clothes to stay warm. We figure any woman must be gorgeous who can wear 25 Kilograms of warm clothing and still look a little bit like a human. And I must say, Miss Flat, you definitely look a little bit human!”

Fungus couldn’t see Miss Flat’s expression beneath her hood, hat, goggles, and scarf. But she nodded her head and said, “Why thank you, I think. That is the most ... uh.... unique compliment I’ve ever received.”

Fungus reluctantly returned his attention back to the Reverend, “What do you mean the earth is flat? Everyone knows it is spherical.”

“Nonsense! Anyone with eyes can tell the earth is flat and knows it until the evil scientists tell him otherwise.” retorted the Reverend, “Look around you, what do you see?”

“Miles and miles of snow and ice.”

“Precisely. You don’t see a spherical curve in the land. All you see is a bunch of snow and ice for as long as the eye can see with a few icy hills thrown in for good measure. Believe your eyes and believe the word of God. The Bible tells us that God created the earth below and the heavens above. That means the earth is flat. If the earth were spherical the Bible would say that God created the earth inside and the heavens outside. It is impossible to be a good Christian and believe that the earth is spherical. You wouldn’t want people to call you a poor Christian would you?”

“Reverend, I’ve been called much worse than that. My parents named me ‘Fungus.’ I thought Magellan proved the earth is round centuries ago when he sailed around the world.”

The Reverend smiled indulgently, “Magellan and many others since have circumnavigated the globe in an east-west direction. All they proved is that the world is a flat disk that rotates around the center, like a giant pizza or music CD. No one circumnavigates the globe in the north-south direction. It just can’t be done. That is our mission on this trip; to find the edge of the earth and to circumnavigate it. Go ahead, ask me some harder questions.”

“Why can I see the curvature of the earth when flying in an airplane?”

“The windows on the plane are curved and distort your view.”

“What about the pictures from space that show the earth is spherical?”

“The so called ‘space programs’ are nothing but a sorry film show staged by the One World Government group. Their special effects aren’t even very impressive. If you were to judge by the quality of the special effects, there is more evidence that we’ve been at war with Klingons than that we’ve landed men on the moon.”

“Why are radio waves only good on a line of sight basis.”

“Scientific propaganda. Actually, the earth’s gravity pulls the radio waves down to the ground, limiting their range.”

“Why do days get shorter in winter and longer in the summer.”

“Elementary physics, everyone knows that things shrink when they get cold and expand when they get hot.”

“Explain why you can buy navigation devices for 300 dollars that read signals from Global Positioning Satellites to tell your position anywhere in the world within 30 meters?”

At this point one of the other Flat Earthers interrupted, “Wait a minute. Boss, do you mean that for a measly 300 bucks we could have bought a navigation receiver? We would not have been lost for the last three weeks?”

“Quiet down, Billy Ray!” said the Reverend, “You can’t trust those GPS units. The signals are broadcast and controlled by the One World Government group. We will never find the edge of the world with their signals.”

Fungus pulled out another argument, “OK Reverend, how do you explain Coriolis effects, the forces that cause storms, tornados, and hurricanes to rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere? If the earth is one giant spinning music CD, storms should rotate the same way on both sides of the equator.”

“They do rotate the same on both sides of the so-called ‘equator.’ The scientists just show it otherwise on TV to fool you into believing them.”

“The scientists may fool me with their TV shows. But I’ve got better proof. Flushed toilet water rotates counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Explain how a spinning music CD would cause that.”

“Now who are you going to believe, the Bible or your toilet? By the way, what kind of person spends a lot of time studying which way their toilet flushes?”

“It is boring down here sometimes. But people who wander around Antarctica without alcohol or a navigation receiver don’t have much room to make fun of me.”

The Reverend sighed, “Well I suppose it will take a while to make you see the truth. But we must find the edge of the earth and our compass hasn’t been working well lately. Can you tell me which way is south?”

“Sure can, Reverend. We are south, as far as it ever gets. In fact, from here you can’t even go east or west. Any way you look is north. You are even going north when you dig a hole in the ground. By the way, Reverend, I can tell you why your compass isn’t working but you wouldn’t believe me.”

The Reverend looked even more disappointed and said, “What we have here is a failure to communicate. We are looking for the edge of the world and we’ll keep traveling until we find it. Mister Fungus, please stop telling me nonsense about the so called South Pole. I understand that you people must move the pole every year because scientists claim the ‘center of rotation’ is constantly changing. That should show you what a deception all this is. You don’t see the Bible changing every year.”

Billy Ray spoke up, “Reverend, why must we keep traveling around? We’ve been lost for three weeks, wandering around in circles for all I know.”

Fungus felt sorry for Miss Flat and Billy Ray. But realized he couldn’t win a debate with the Reverend. He decided to give them what they wanted. “You guys may be missing the obvious solution. Maybe this is the center of the music CD. Think about it. Most sea ships go south of Africa and South America to travel around the earth. That could be because THIS is the center of the earth and going south makes for a shorter sailing distance. I’ll bet the edge of the music CD is up North.”

The Reverend brightened up and exclaimed, “That’s it, by the grace of God! The only way to explain our inability to find the edge of the earth is that this is the center of the earth! Brothers and Sister! We have discovered the center of the world! We must commemorate this solemn occasion by sinking a pole and flag to mark the location and by offering a prayer of thanksgiving.”

“Pray all you want, Reverend, but you need to hurry. You should just sign the register book and take pictures. Then you better get back to the coast quick before the last boat leaves for the winter.”

Miss Flat spoke up again, “Mister Fungus, I’ve never given much thought about the direction toilets swirl, and I can’t remember when I last sat on a warm toilet seat. Do you mind if we come in, get warm, and use your toilets?”

Fungus shook his head, “Sorry, it’s against company policy for us to assist people who travel through here. Safety concerns or something. You know how lawyers are. And by the way, I hope you guys aren’t leaving yellow and brown snow everywhere. This continent is international territory controlled by the United Nations. They don’t want people polluting the place. The UN guys claim that one yellow hole in the snow will last for years. Environmentalists say that yellow snow will last for centuries down here. Personally, I think it gets covered during the first wind or snow storm. But who am I? I just live here. Anyway, those are the rules... no yellow or brown snow in Antarctica. ‘Pack it in, pack it out,’ as the United Nations people say.”

Billy Ray was exasperated, “But what are we supposed to put it in so we can haul it out?”

“Plastic bags, paper bags, backpacks, parkas... it doesn’t matter to me. Just don’t leave any of your waste around here and don’t let any government people catch you leaving it anywhere else.

The Reverend snarled, “Those One World Government maniacs are at it again. Someday we will put them in their place. At any rate, we can’t let this spoil our fabulous discovery. The CENTER OF THE WORLD! We MUST get back and tell everyone about this. This is as significant as the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. We’ll be famous. I can’t wait to get back and tell the world about it. And trust me, Mister Fungus, we aren’t greedy, we will make sure you get full credit for assisting us in this discovery.”

“I wish you wouldn’t do that, Reverend. I like being anonymous, especially on this matter.”

“God bless you, Mister Fungus, for your humility. But I insist, your name will go down with the rest of ours for proving that the Earth is flat.”

The Flat Earthers took their pictures, climbed back into their snow-cats, and headed north... whichever way that was. Fungus watched them go, shaking his head and thinking about his new place in history.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Endure - My Chinese Language lesson

忍耐  Endure

"In 3 words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." Robert Frost


假 癡 不 癲
Look stupid but be smart

“Don’t screw with me! I’m from America!” Groaning with dismay, I listened to this many times the other night. Sometimes I wish I was from another country that everyone loves – maybe Japan…uh,er, correction…Canada. Why is it that only rude people are so very loud and proud?

The worst part of all this? The “Loud Proud American” was actually a very drunk Korean housewife – a Drunk Ajuma, in Korean language – we’ll call her “DA.” In Korea, they say there are 3 types of people: men, women, and Ajuma (middle-aged and older women). I was in the presence of the Type 3: Middle-aged Ajuma. Apparently DA lived in California for a brief time – therefore she was “from America.”

Drunk Ajuma proclaimed loudly that she was a senior spy for the American government – Section 3 (so secret I never heard of it), but she can’t say any more than that. Her husband is a top spy for the Korean government. Together, there is no place I can hide from them. If she wants, she and her husband could have me killed just like that! Judging from the alcohol content of her breath, I believed exactly what she said. One spark or match and the whole bar would explode in flames, killing us all immediately. One kiss and any normal man would die instantly from alcohol poisoning.

Carefully watching my beer, I thought this was a great disguise – no one would ever suspect that a drunken Korean Ajuma would be one of America’s top spies. That could explain the success of the Korean/American comedian Margaret Cho. Hmmm…very clever.

DA started draping herself over me, trying to get the attention of me or my friend Mr. Song. I started wondering how to escape from the situation without getting killed by alcohol poisoning from her fiery breath. Fortunately my friends in the bar dragged her away and tucked her into a taxi.

Before leaving, DA demanded to know my name. Carefully I wrote down my name, “Richard Cheney.” Her American and Korean spy network should easily find the American Vice President. DA didn’t recognize the name but she assumed I was lying. She glared at me and said – “Give me your CORRECT name! DON'T SCREW WITH ME! I’M FROM AMERICA!!!”

I shrugged and said, “That’s OK, OK. Richard Cheney is my real name, no worries. I would never lie. You can trust me. I’m from America.”

I’ll never understand why, but she left quietly. Maybe she thought I was ALSO an American spy.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Merry Christmas to Family and Friends!

Hello Friends and Family!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
From Shaun and Wonderful Jane

This was a certainly an eventful year for us. We were blessed to be married and start our future life and family together. We want to thank all our friends and family for enriching our lives more than words can say.

For once, I won't use a lot of words. I'm just going to show some memorable pictures from the last year.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

English Language Lesson: Euphemism

笑 裡 藏 刀 ... 三 十 六 計
Hide your dagger behind a smile

Today’s English lesson is the term Euphemism: alternate words and phrases that are used to be more polite, formal, or less harsh. It is our way to tell a polite lie, a non-truth, that makes difficult subjects easier. For instance: what should you say when your boss asks what you think of his very rude wife? NEVER SAY THE TRUTH. Always find a euphemism to hide what you really think. Maybe you should try, “She certainly is a unique individual.”

I love euphemisms. They add cushion to the sharp edges of our difficult lives. It is almost impossible to be good at English language without understanding the many small lies we use. Let me give you some examples.

Restroom = toilet. Many people call the toilet the rest room. Few people actually rest in that room. They do their business and leave.

Previously owned = used. You are looking to purchase a car. You can’t afford new. Does the salesman say the truth? The car was built 40 years ago. It has only two colors: brown and rust. The tires have no rubber. The engine will last for exactly 3 weeks. Does the salesman say “used car”? No he says it is previously owned. Yes – previously owned by the Mongolian Genghis Khan.

Handyman’s dream = house that is falling apart. A “handyman” is a man who enjoys working on a house, wood working, plumbing, and other repair work. "Handyman's dream" gives a vision of enjoying leisure time to improve your house. "Nightmare" is the true story. One of my friends bought a house described as a “handyman’s dream.” The winter winds howled through the holes around the windows. The floor was tilted steep enough for a snow ski resort. Green moss was growing in the toilet. And a vine grew inside the house between the wall and wallpaper, popping out through a hole in the wallpaper. He had a nice flower but didn’t know how to water it. Never buy a house described as a “handyman’s dream.” “Bottomless hole in which to throw your money” is the true description.

Massage parlor. Sometimes you get only a massage. Other times business men get much more than a massage. That’s what I’ve heard through other people. I am afraid of these places. I want to remain a virgin.

Passed on = dead. When our grandmother dies, we say, “She passed on.” I think that means someone “passed on” to the next life. I hope the next life is good.

Between jobs = unemployed. I love this one. I will save this phrase for future use with my mother-in-law. I’m not a worthless failure! I am between jobs!

Great personality = woman or man is not good looking. I HATE it when someone says I have a great personality. It’s better to be handsome, charming, extremely attractive, smart, witty, and elegant. Those words describe me perfectly….In my dreams anyway.

The problem is me, not you = the nice way to dump your boyfriend or girlfriend. Translation: it really is you. I can’t stand the sight of you. I found someone much better.

Of course I like euphemisms because telling lies and stories is one of my great joys in life. I hope someday you learn to lie nearly as well as me. Then we can enjoy dinner, some drinks, and say good lies about each other!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Inspiration through Envious Eyes

燕 雀 擁 有 鴻 鵠 志
Little Sparrow with Dreams of Swans

I hate to admit when I have a weakness. Perhaps it’s because I have so many of them. Usually I try to keep them hidden – some under a carpet, others inside my socks, and some I try to hide behind my brilliant smile. (Yes, I know, the last one isn’t much of a hiding place). But one weakness I cannot hide: I’m jealous of artists.

I’m jealous that artists look at the world with such creative eyes. For artists, light is more brilliant, children are more playful, trees and flowers reflect a certain glow, and emotions are more intense. I look at the world as an engineer: how can I take something apart to see how it works? Artists see the beauty of the world. I see the function. I’m jealous.

I’m jealous of artists’ ability to produce things that accurately reflect what’s in their hearts or minds – paintings, sculpture, music, dance. When I try sculpture, I end up with an amorphous lump – and yes, I know only an engineer would use the word “amorphous.” Artists create things that are truly unique. My job is to find ways to make thousands of items exactly the same. I’m jealous.

Most of all, I’m jealous that artists are so fashionable and cool. They simply look better than the rest of us without even trying. Maybe it’s because they have freedom to look different. Artists don't need to impress the corporate boss or customer. My friend Shawn Wang, for instance, she looks cool, elegant, and fashionable in anything she puts on. Where can I learn to dress like that? I’m jealous.

Doesn’t matter. I put aside my jealousy to go see art shows and museums every chance I get. I love to experience art and I love to meet the artists. Jealousy is an irrational emotion, so I exercise my right to go see the objects of my envy.

Last weekend in Changwon Korea I went to an art show by the Korean Professional Artists Association. I went to see the display by my new friend, Ms. Moon HaeJeong. She produces sculptures of metal, acrylic, and ceramics that are quite unique. Each piece is different, but shares the main theme of her desire to break free from convention and reach for full enjoyment of life.

This is a true yin-yang-yin way of looking at life – trapped by custom and convention, always desiring to break free, but a little bit nervous to do so. I suspect many of us share these feelings. Her artwork connected with my emotions in a strong way. That’s when I like art: tell the story and provide emotions with no words. Ms. Moon hits the target. Yes, she does remind me of the little sparrow with dreams of swans.

Here is her picture and some of her artwork. She dressed so cool, looked so fashionable. Her face has a relaxed serenity that is free of wrinkles...and she has a daughter who is already in her 20’s. I couldn't believe it. Yes, I’m jealous that anyone can keep looking so young. I’m also happy to have a new friend.

I met another very interesting artist, Mr. Jang Yun-Jun. He spoke no English and I speak no Korean, but we managed to communicate just the same. Mr. Jang paints traditional style mystical pictures using a combination of ink made from stone powders and grasses. His philosophy is to use only items that were available to ancient artists (rocks, herbs, and grass) and reformulate them to make modern art based on traditional religious themes. He mixes his inks and crystal powders so the colors are absolutely brilliant and shimmering. Wow. What a concept. I’m jealous again.

OK, maybe I’m not jealous. I’m envious. I love meeting people who look at life completely different than me. They inspire me to take a new look at life, to try new things, and to break out of the convention that traps my mind. The diversity of people in this world, the different ways of looking at life, these things make life more interesting and worthwhile, don’t you think?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Korean Management: Monthly Fun

以 逸 待 勞 ... 三十六計
Use leisure to recharge your people's inner batteries and build strong teams

This is the great idea of management practice from my Korean customer DACC in Changwon. Everyone here works very hard, killer hours in fact, 6 days per week or more. One Saturday per month, however, is for sports fun. The complete company meets on a Saturday morning and enjoys active sporting events together. Sometimes badminton, soccer, tennis, or basketball. This time it was a big group hike up the local mountain above Jinhae. After the sport, everyone soaks in a public bath house (without clothes, of course), and then enjoys a lunch together.

Yesterday I got the opportunity to participate in the group event. Since I normally go hiking here on weekends anyway, this was a great opportunity to go with others and make acquaintances with some of the people I never get to talk to otherwise. We all had a great time. The sauna and hot bath afterward was really relaxing. I'm not sure many American engineers enjoy the opportunity to get naked with the customers. But that's life in this part of the world. The food afterward was delicious, as usual. Already I'm ready for the next hike.