Saturday, July 22, 2006

Return to Italy - The Ronin in Torino

Dateline: Torino Italy, July 22

The evening drive from the airport greeted me with the sights of Torino; lush green farms with corn growing higher than my head, charming old buildings, the castle perching like an eagle on top of the mountain, the river flowing lazily in the evening sunlight, and people sitting at cafes dressed for the hot weather and discussing...whatever. Yes, I must be in Italy again.

One reason I write this blog is to let my family and friends know where in the world I am. This is the only way most of my family has any idea of my location. The Roaming Ronin (me) travels so often that even I don't know where I am most of the time. Without this blog, I might never remember where I've been. Ah...but what a way to remember. Tell my stories, look at my photos. OK, I admit it. I'm selfish. I write this blog for me. If anyone else reads it, that's just icing on the cake.

Now it's Saturday morning. I'm off to a new adventure. I'm going into the mountains and see if I can get some pictures of Mount Blanc, the tallest mountain in Europe. I'll post some pictures here. Let's see, I can't write Italian yet. I'll try French language. Bon voyage, mon ami!


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