Friday, July 14, 2006

English Slang: There's the Rub

English Slang: There's the Rub = that is the difficult part of this problem

I heard this idiom today on the radio during discussions of the problems between Israel, Lebanon, and the Palistinians. The radio people were discussing different things that contribute to the problems. Then one person mentioned a major reason for the difficulties. The other radio person said, "Yes, there's the rub. (the most difficult issue). It might be impossible to resolve that issue peacefully."

Other sentences for "there's the rub."

"John and Jane have lots of disagreements, but the main problem seems to start from that fight they had 4 years ago." "Yes, there's the rub. How do we get them to forget that fight?"

"The car won't start." "Oh, there's the rub. Someone stole the battery."

我的汉子的天: (I'm trying to learn Japanese and Chinese languages)
勉 = diligence.
日本語:べん 勉強=benkyou, study, 勤勉 kinben, diligence
中文:mian 勤勉的, qinmiande, diligent 共勉【gongmian】 mutual encouragement.


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