Saturday, June 24, 2006

Anime Manga Professor

Do what you love and you will be successful

How many times did your mother scold you that you will be a total failure if you spend all your time reading comics, manga (Japanese-style comic books), and waste time watching anime (Japanese style animated movies)?? Does your dad ask when you're going to grow up and get a "real" job? Does your wife or your girlfriend complain that you are just wasting time reading Manga and watching Anime? Well it just ain't true in all cases. Sometimes you can be successful doing what you love.

My friend Northrop Davis is making a name for himself as an expert screenwriter and lecturer in the anime and manga fields. Professor Manga, aka Northrop, spends his early mornings, days, and late nights working like a slave to write film and animated adaptations of Japanese manga for Hollywood movie producers.

Northrop's dedication (some call it obsession) is starting to turn his roller-coaster income into lasting wealth and fame. Northrup the Professor Manga, has been rewarded for his efforts by being hired as a professor and teacher of anime and manga at one of California's prestigious universities, UC Irvine. The news article (shown in small print at left) is also available on the Orange County Register at

All joking aside, Northrop has developed quite a successful career. Northrop has sold three studio projects -- his Science Fiction/Action spec script Cyber Ship to Richard and Lauren Shuler-Donner and Warner Brothers, and two Pitches: one to Columbia and another to 20th Century Fox, both of which he subsequently wrote as screenplays.

As a filmmaker, Northrop has written and directed commercials which aired in 50 Southern California arthouse theaters and on television for over five years, and his student short film BUS prompted ICM chairman Jeff Berg to sign him to the agency. In addition, Davis’ novelization of his screenplay Cyber Ship is represented by Ellen Levine of the Ellen Levine Agency in New York City.

A recognized expert in manga, Northrop found and pitched the Battle Angel Alita Manga series to Twentieth Century Fox, who subsequently acquired it for James Cameron who is in production on the vfx-heavy film franchise (project title:
Battle Angel).

Northrop is now working with his Japanese partner to set up as a Hollywood movie several great new mangas he recently discovered from Japan and got written permission to shop here, including one which has sold 30 million copies worldwide, and is highly regarded critically as well.

Davis is working with producer David Foster on one of the manga live action adaptations, that he will co-produce with Mr. Foster and write. Davis also recently completed writing a thriller script set on a farm which he plans to direct and is working with a producer on, and is also finishing writing a TV pilot. Currently, Davis is employed to rewrite a feature script.

Northrop lectured at the Asian VC film festival at the Directors Guild of America in May of 2006, as well as Duke University, CalArts, both UCLA screenwriting programs (undergraduate and professional), USC School of Cinema, NALIP and UC Irvine, where he will also be teaching a course on Japanese manga in the fall and is a member of the WGA (Writer’s Guild of America) and its Asian and Latino Writer’s Committees.

You can learn more about Professor attending the annual Anime Expo in Anaheim California from July 1 to 4 or by emailing Professor Manga at

Go Northrop

Northrup reads manga, typically written in Japanese。Therefore he will have no problem reading my Japanese congratulation note to him: ナスラプ教授、おめでとうございます!貴方がちょうすごいだ!

Some websites featuring Northrop Davis, Professor Manga. He has quite a publicity corps.
Anime News Network - UC-Irvine Brings Anime into Academia
Animation Magazine UC Irvine Offers Manga & Anime Class
UC Irvine Extension Offers New Course on Manga & Anime in Response ...
New Course on Manga & Anime
dBusinessNews :: Daily Business News Delivered to Your Desktop
Man Bytes Hollywood » UC Irvine Extension Offers New Course on ...
Welcome to The Right Stuf International, YOUR Anime Superstore and ...
Cool Videos Better News
Anime News :: News Goblin
World Famous Comics News Room: Daily Anime News & Updates!
Anime Nano
Anime on DVD
Otaku Review - Where Famous People Get Their Anime News - Rent Anime DVD Online - Premier Manga Scanlation Information Site
Anime News » Blog Archive » UC Irvine Extension Offers New Course ...


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