Monday, June 05, 2006

Return to Blogger Universe

王侯將 相寧有 種乎
Kings and marquises, prime-ministers and generals; such men are made, not born.

Hello everyone. I'm returned to Blogger Universe. I allowed myself to become too busy traveling around the world and wondering about daily small things. Now I'm back to relating some of my stories and experiences around the world.

My wife Wonderful Jane and I just purchased a home in Shanghai. We will be moving here after all the renovation is finished. We plan to live some times in China, some times in USA. No doubt we will experience great adventures in the coming years. Already I'm learning how to communicate and try to act polite and like a gentleman - certainly a difficult job for anyone who grew up in mountains and the desert.

Current dateline: Shanghai. It's a beautiful day with sunny skies.


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