Sunday, February 12, 2006

Return to the Rocky Mountains

落 葉 歸 根 Falling Leaves Return to their Roots

This last week I got the pleasure to return to the Rocky Mountains, Salt Lake City, even if just for a couple of days. I was here on business as a guest speaker to provide a lecture at an international seminar on my area of technology. Even though I could only spend a couple days there, I felt tremendously energized by the sight of familiar mountains - my silent but mighty friends. I took the opportunity to get up into the mountains at night to watch some night skiing and enjoy dinner with some of my customers.

This little building is at Solitude Ski Resort above Salt Lake City. It has 20 Km of cross country ski trails that I love to traverse during winter or summer. At night there is a special dinner at a yurt - a Mongolian tent house - where you ski or snowshoe about 2 Km to get to the yurt restaurant. Traveling in the forest under moonlight to get to a fantastic dinner in a small yurt. It is truly a fantastic experience. I need to bring Wonderful Jane there soon.

This night we were a little bit too late to enjoy the yurt restaurant. We ate at a regular restaurant instead inside a very rustic log building. The night was beautiful, the air was crispy cold, I was ready to strap on skis or snowshoes and go for about 10 Km into the night air. Maybe next time...

My heart will always belong in the mountains and the desert. I can't wait to return.


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