Thursday, January 19, 2006

Karate Black Belt Awards in Japan

This is one of my proudest moments, earning a 2nd degree black belt certificate in Japan. Here I am with my Masters and friends at the White Dragon Style Shotokan Team, Saitama Dojo, on August 3, 2005. In Japanese language that is spelled: 日本空手道白龍会さいたま道場。

I earned the black belt certificate nearly 2 years after hip replacement surgery. It took a lot of hard work to get back into shape and able to use my legs properly for karate once again. However, my kicks are still very low and slow. If I get in a fight and need to kick someone in the head, I'll politely ask my opponent to lie down first.

The testing went well. We did katas (pre-arranged forms) and - against the advice of my doctor and nurse sister - enjoyed fighting kumite (sparring) against other black belt players. These days I only do sparring in special situations as I want to protect my titanium hip. However, I had a great time and was able to protect my leg with no problems.

Every time I go to Japan, I must bring my karate do-gi (uniform) and practice with my fellow students. The uniform takes up more than half the space in my suitcase. After the workout, the uniform is more than twice its normal weight in sweat. Nevertheless it is still undoubtedly worthwhile carrying my karate uniform around the world to enjoy karate and friendship with these great people.

Now I'm working hard to earn my 3rd degree black belt. In 2 or 3 years of continuous work, it might be time... Anyone want to join me?


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