Tuesday, January 17, 2006

When Chinese People Come to America - Favorite Tourist Activity

Yes, that's right, Chinese people LOVE to take photographs. Usually they all photograph the same thing at the same time like choreographed dancers.

But hey, I'm guilty too. I love taking pictures and putting them on this silly blog.

Here we are at the Beach Pier in Santa Barbara, California, one of America's most beautiful cities. The sunset was gorgeous and well worth photographing. I was out with some friends who also work in the composite materials industry like me. These three good-looking young people are PhD science geniuses; one from Hangzhou, one from Suzhou, and one from Shenyang. We had a great discussion of what type of silane coating might work to improve the surface properties of carbon nanotubes. How do I fit in with this group? I have no idea.

Yes, we neglected to pay a food tip to the seagull who posed so patiently for our pictures.

I know what you're thinking. You probably started reading this post thinking that GOING TO LAS VEGAS is the #1 Chinese Favorite Tourist Activity? Probably true, but that's another story altogether.


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