Sunday, January 15, 2006

Magic in the Mountains of Korea

The mountains near Changwon Korea form one of my favorite hiking places. The trails are challenging and steep, the scenery is beautiful, and the trails are full of friendly people. The best part, however, is the magic of the Buddhist temple at the foot of the mountain.

My first time to experience this magic was on a foggy, grey morning last spring. I was exploring the mountain trails and deciding how far up I wanted to go with rain ready to start at any minute. I stopped in a small glen in the forest and sat down for a short rest. Suddenly through the fog and trees, mysterious sounds drifted up to me. It was the haunting music of Buddhist drums and prayer chanting. I sat quietly and allowed the music to penetrate me - body, mind, and soul. I followed the sounds until I located the source - the Buddhist temple at the foot of the mountain. The music gave me new energy to climb to the summit despite the heavy rains that started falling. I was perfectly wet and happy at the same time!

Now whenever I am in Changwon, I do my best to go hiking in the mountains or just hang out near the temple and the Buddhist prayer chanting. The music never fails to penetrate my spirit and fill me with peace and energy. What a magical way to spend time in the forests and mountains!


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