Tuesday, January 03, 2006

English Language Lesson: Hanging Out

The Art of Hanging Out

Hanging out is the subject of today’s English lesson. Hanging out is the art of sitting around, relaxing, and doing nothing. I say it is an “art” because in today’s complex world, simply doing nothing takes planning, effort, and creativity. Hanging out is a curious task where perfection is reached when we avoid all effort.

In the past, hanging out was a daily recreation for people everywhere around the world. There were no televisions, cell phones, computers, high pressure jobs, or deadlines to finish multiple projects. There were no psychiatrists, expensive doctors, or lawyers. Often there was no money. People never realized how miserable they were without today’s important things. They had a good time relaxing, chatting with their friends and family, playing card games, and enjoying a simpler lifestyle.

Hanging out can be done by yourself or with a group. Often I hang out alone. I love to hang out at the beach, in the mountains, or in a shopping mall or coffee shop watching other people. Forget the mobile phone. Stay away from TV. Don’t even think about work. Hanging out is a great way to recharge my inner batteries, refresh my positive spirit, and forget my worries. When I hang out at the beach near my house, I am rewarded with views of dolphins swimming, people and dogs playing in the surf, birds cruising on the breeze, and views of many beautiful women enjoying the warm weather.

Every activity has risks, and hanging out is no different. One time I was hanging out at the beach and a beautiful girl with large breasts jogged past me, magnificently bouncing up and down as she ran. I sucked in my stomach, sat taller, and tried to look elegant, sophisticated, and mildly disinterested. Suddenly a bicycle ran over my foot, tangling my shoe strings in the bicycle’s frame. Fortunately I was able to free myself only 50 meters later, limiting the embarrassment to my usual daily amount. My friends understand well that “elegant” and “sophisticated” are two words that never fit me.

Hanging out with friends or family is truly enjoyable. It allows us to bond and renew our relationships. We can joke, eat, tell stories, play card games, go sightseeing, remember the good times in the past, and build memories for the future. We can refresh our spirits and prepare for another hectic day at work. I am really fortunate in this way. I have friends all over the world with whom I have hung out. Thank you VERY much! I can’t wait to hang out with you again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading your piece on Hanging Out is truly an inspiration. I have long been one to enjoy the peace of Hanging Out in solitude. To sit overlooking desert or mountain vistas playing my flute brings a calmness not found in the rush of everyday. To enjoy Hanging Out in silent communication with others close to you also one closer to inner peace.

10:51 PM  

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