Monday, January 30, 2006

Torino Receives Snow for the Olympics

Torino Winter Olympics Preparations Continue - Snow Received Just in Time

Torino continued its preparations for the Winter Olympics with superb planning and organization, receiving snow on a just-in-time delivery basis. The Torino Olympic organizing committee successfully adopted Japanese business management techniques, such as intensive research and impeccable planning combined with just-in-time JIT deliveries of critical items such as snow.

Torino Olympic organizers delayed snow and precipitation during autumn and early winter to prevent delays in facility construction and allow delivery of critical equipment. The ski and snowboard slopes were coated with a thick, long-lasting base of fast, icy artificial snow. With most of the construction and critical equipment in place, the Torino organizers orchestrated a heavy snow dump during Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, January 26, 27, and 28th.

The snow was beautiful but also snarled traffic tremendously. It took me 2-1/2 hours to find a taxi to get to work. Nevertheless the sacrifice was worthwhile to give Torino the beautiful white look necessary for a Winter Olympics. Here are the pictures.

This plaza, with a soldier on a horse, is where NBC television will have their daily broadcasts during the Olympics. The snow almost buried this blog's reporter Saw HsinHan. Fortunately numerous clothing stores are only a few steps away for reporters and television broadcasting people who might need additional warm clothes from Georgio Armani or Hermes.

McDonald's made sure that the snow had no affect on people's ability to reach the Golden Arches...fine food only 1 minute walk from the bus stop.

Elsewhere, traffic was a little bit difficult. However, Torino's parks and plazas lit up like a beautiful crystal under the blanket of snow. The Torino Winter Olympics should be a success.


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