Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Lost Samurai returns "Home" to Japan

Lost in Translation is the only way to describe my limited language skills here in Japan. People start talking very fast, so I just nod my head and agree with anything that is said - even though I'm never sure what I just agreed with.

Tonight I didn't have that luxury...I had to talk for a long time in Japanese language. The Roaming American Ronin (me) was allowed to teach karate to a group who speak very little English - and I speak only limited Japanese. Fortunately I know all the Japanese words for punch, reverse punch, different stances, blocks, and kicks, and "kick your opponent's head, not his butt." Everything else was a blur. Fortunately everyone pretended to understand me.

Today I returned like a lost Samurai to my karate family: the Nakai Shihan dojo (school) in Saitama Japan. Our master is Mr. Nakai, his title is Shihan (master). We always call him Nakai Shihan or just Shihan - even when I meet Shihan at work. Here is the picture of tonight's karate group. For seven years now, I have been practicing karate with Nakai Shihan at every opportunity in Japan.
Good friends like these always teach me that friendship is more important than any amount of money. Sometimes my life starts to seem crazy and unbearable with my working travels. I wake up and wonder which city I am in this day. I start to become frustrated. That's when my friends and family come to my rescue. Today was a great example of friends and family helping restore order to my life. Once again I am calm and ready to attack life's challenges.


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