Friday, July 23, 2010

2010 Shanghai International Wushu Tournament

2010 Shanghai International Martial Arts Tournament

A good time was had by all

July 2010, many fun people came from around the world to compete in the Shanghai International Martial Arts Tournament, including me, the Roaming Ronin. A good time was had by all. The competitors were amazing athletes who jumped, kicked, spun, and twirled weapons with incredible skill. Somehow the old guys like my friend Mark Troxell and me managed to win a few medals each.

I surprised myself even more. I went into this event without any care or desire for medals or certificate. I was mainly competing against myself and working for self improvement. But I am surprisingly happy and WAY TOO PROUD about winning a few medals in international competition. Not too bad for an older guy with a titanium hip replacement. My hip replacement doctor would be proud (or worried).

Here are some of the pictures. More pictures are in the picture album under this name in my other blog:

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