Saturday, December 03, 2005

Settling in to Korea

Just arrived in Changwon, my favorite Korean city. I look around my barren apartment and wonder what I'll eat? The refrigerator door hangs open and reveals a moldy emptiness. How about 4 month old peanut butter and 2 month old jelly with no bread? No, not again. Oh wait - there's a a 3 month old cookie. Happy as if I discovered a forgotten bank account, I crunch the rock hard cookie and try to enjoy the small remnant of flavor. Hmm...I was only gone for a couple months. Already it's time to buy some new food?

I hate to pack and I hate to travel by plane. But I love to arrive at new places, meet new friends, see some of my old friends. Enthusiastically I embrace the challenge of communicating and mixing in where I am the strange face and my humor is misunderstood. It's time to go out and meet the old new world, once again. Changwon my old friend, here I am again!

Be enthusiastic in your life and work. You can't light a fire with a wet match.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shaun, I really enjoy your site and love your comments and photos. It's just like bringing you into the room. Keep up the good work. Our love.

11:57 PM  

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